Year 4

Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?

Quel temps fait-il mon ami?

Quel temps fait-il? 4RP

Weather reports

Weather forecast 4as

Weather forecasting

C’est moi!

Bonjour c’est moi


Y4 Lumen Challenge work

Celebrating ‘La Chandeleur’

Y4 Christmas Production

Quelle est le date de ton anniversaire? Y4

What’s the date of your birthday?

French classroom instructions- non non non!

French classroom instructions - Levez- vous!

French classroom instructions - écoutez

French classroom instructions- Regardez

French instructions y4 - répétez

French instructions y4 - écoutez moi

French instructions y4- écoutez

French instructions y4- Regardez moi

French instructions y4- Regardez

French instructions- levez vous

French instructions y4

French football challenge

Bonjour c'est moi! Chloe JW

4JW Il a combien de....?

Il a combien de....? 4RP

Il a combien de...? 4JW

Weather reports by 4RP

Weather reports 4RP

Quel temps fait-il? 4RP

Weather reports

Weather report

Quel temps fait-il? 14

Quel temps fait-il? 13

Quel temps fait-il? 12

Quel temps fait-il? 11

Quel temps fait-il? 10

Quel temps fait-il? 9

Quel temps fait-il? 8

Quel temps fait-il? 7

Quel temps fait-il? 6

Quel temps fait-il? 5

Quel temps fait-il? 4

Quel temps fait-il? 3

Quel temps fait-il? 2

Quel temps fait-il?

Quel temps fait-il? song

Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?

4JW classroom instructions

Y4 classroom instructions

Classroom instructions 4JW

Classroom instructions with a patient teacher!

Monsieur W - class instructions in French

Giving instructions in French

Classroom instructions y4

5 papa va à la cabane - practising our French vowels

4 papa va à la cabane-practising our French vowels

3 papa va à la cabane- practising our French vowels

2 practising our French vowels-le cheval aussi à midi

2 la moto perdue dans l'univers- practising our French vowels

papa va à la cabane-practising our French vowels

le cheval aussi à midi-practising our French vowels

la moto perdue dans l'univers - practising our French vowels

Practising French vowels with silly voices le cheval aussi à midi

Practising French vowels with silly voices la moto perdue dans l’univers

French instructions 9

French instructions 8

French instructions 7

French instructions 6

French instructions 5

French instructions 4

French instructions 3

French instructions 2

French instructions

Class instructions (French)

The washing machine song 4LTW

Days of the week in French 4LTW

Weather Forecast RP 5

Weather Forecast RP 4

Weather Forecast RP 3

Weather Forecast RP 2

Weather Forecast RP 1

Weather forecast 6

Weather forecast 5

Weather forecast 4

Weather Forecast 3

Weather forecast 2

Weather Forecast 1

Olivia, Ronit, Izzy and Josh's Shortenills video

Both the Harrys plus Charlotte and Jeremy's Shortenills video

George, Ben, Ella and Cassidy's Shortenills video

Elise, Guy, Ava and Kiran's Shortenills video

Eliana, Ethan, Steven and Mia's Shortenills video

Ed, Chloe, Ewan and Lara's Shortenills video

Chai, Simran, Elsa, Amar's Shortenills video

Ollie, Luca, Taya, Bella and Audrey's dance

The children composed their own dances in P.E lessons to Justin Timberlake's 'Can't stop the feeling.'

Seren, Aimee, Annie, Daniel A and Dylan's dance

The children composed their own dances in P.E lessons to Justin Timberlake's 'Can't stop the feeling.'

Shanaya, Poppy, Daniel M, Charlie and Willow's dance

The children composed their own dances in P.E lessons to Justin Timberlake's 'Can't stop the feeling.'

Abigail, Oliver, Thomas B, and Jazmin's dance

The children composed their own dances in P.E lessons to Justin Timberlake's 'Can't stop the feeling.'

Freddie, Samia, Eavie, Christobel, Kai and Laila's dance

The children composed their own dances in P.E lessons to Justin Timberlake's 'Can't stop the feeling.'

William, Shanaya, Izzy, Abby, Ollie

Shortenills video

Kai, Thomas A, Bella, Laila

Shortenills promotional video


Shortenills promotional video

Daniel A, Daniel M, Willow, Christobel, Seren 2

Shortenills promotional video

Daniel A, Daniel M, Willow, Christobel, Seren

Shortenills promotional video

Charlie, Dylan, Oliver, Aimee, Poppy & Jazmin

Promotional video for Shortenills

4LL 1960s News Broadcast 7

Butlers Court News

4LL 1960s News Broadcast 6

Butlers Court News

4LL 1960s News Broadcast 5

Butlers Court News

4LL 1960s News Broadcast 4

Butlers Court News

4LL 1960s News Broadcast 3

Butlers Court News

4LL 1960s News Broadcast 2

Butlers Court News

4LL 1960s News Broadcast

Butlers Court News

African Dance Workshop

Year 4 perform an African hunting dance using the masks they made.

4LL Yoga Class

I wish they were always this quiet!!

Film promoting Shortenills 3

Film promoting Shortenills

4LL Shortenills Film 2

Film promoting Shortenills

4LL Shortenills Film

Film promoting Shortenills

4LL Shelter Building

Having fun in the shelters at Shortenills

Year 4 French song

A traditional French song

Shortenills promotional video

Pupils filmed a tour of the Shortenills grounds to advertise the Shortenills experience.

Shortenills advert

The children filmed a visual tour of the Shortenills grounds to advertise the Shortenills experience.

Year 4 Promotional Film 4

Presented by Niamh and Daisy. Filmed by Nalia and Imogen

Year 4 Promotional Film 3

Presented by Thomas and David. Filmed by Seb and Ren

Year 4 Promotional Film 2

Presented by Sam and Felix. Filmed by Owen

Year 4 promotional film

Presented by Zoe and Daisie. Filmed by Emily

4LL Volcanic Explosion!

We enjoyed making 3D volcanoes in our art lessons and it was fun making one explode!

Year 3/4 Dance for Take One Picture 4

We learned a dance in the style of the 18th century to Handel's Water Music as part of our Take One Picture week.

Year 3/4 Dance for Take One Picture 3

We learned a dance in the style of the 18th century to Handel's Water Music as part of our Take One Picture week.

Year 3/4 Dance for Take One Picture 2

We learned a dance in the style of the 18th century to Handel's Water Music as part of our Take One Picture week.

Year 3/4 Dance for Take One Picture

We learned a dance in the style of the 18th century to Handel's Water Music as part of our Take One Picture week.

Year 4 African Dance 2

Year 4 African Mask Making and Dance Workshop Friday 8th May. We hope you enjoy our tribal dance.

Year 4 African Dance

Year 4 enjoyed an African mask masking and dance workshop on Friday 8th May. We hope you enjoy watching our tribal dance.